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Shinto and Sexuality: A gift of life

With the recent ban on adult content on Tumblr, it has given way to a lot of discussion about adult content online and what is or isn’t...

Autumn Grand Ceremony & 120 Years Anniversary!

This November 3rd, 2018, we held our Autumn Grand Ceremony (Shuuki Reitaisai) and the 120th year anniversary of our shrine’s founding in...

Reflections of August

A tumultuous month, but one of growth. As September begins, the fire inside that was being whipped in the wind, will now begin to glow...

Healing from my own heart

Originally I wanted to write about the sacred mirror in Shinto for my next article. However, informational articles take some time as I...

Konkokyo LGBT Kai

So, this is more of a news article, but also one that is very near and dear to me! First, I will share the announcement from the Konkokyo...

This past year, working full time as a priestess

I moved to Japan in May 2017. And since then, it has been a lot of time of trying to settle into my new home, my new environment. Even...

Tamagushi: What is it, and how to offer it

Here is a short and simple article explaining tamagushi. There is more theories to their origins, and etmology theories to the word,...

Sacred Items Series: Kagura suzu

In Japanese spiritual practices, such as Shinto, Jinja Shinto, Konkokyo, Onmyoudou, and more — there are various sacred and ritual items...

What Are Konkokyo and Shinto?

Hello, and welcome to the first post for "Living With Kami!" You might be wondering – what is Kami? Konkokyo? Shinto? These terms are all...

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© 2019 by Olivia Bernkastel.

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